Camp America - What to Pack

Tuesday 12 April 2016

First time going to Camp this year? One thing that I wish I had before I left was a list of things to take to camp, because the camp supplied list really did not cut it. Below is my list of things I recommend you take. 

Because you won't get far without it. You visa will be in your passport too after you have been to the US Embassy in London.

Make sure you have cash, you will need it. I took about $500 in cash and then more on a Caxton Cash Card. It is very handy to have $1 bills, as you will need them to tip in America. Also my camp had a fizzy drink vending machine, and we needed quarters to use the washing machines. 

Travel Documents 
Make sure you print and take everything. Travel insurance details, flight details etc. You never know when you might need it. 

It's hot in America. Be smart. 

Fashion accessory/protector of the eyes= essential

A Hat
Everyone at camp wears baseball caps. You will want one. It's 'cool' at camp. 

Travel Hairdryer
I made the mistake of taking my normal hairdryer. It didn't work. The voltage in the USA is different and you need to make sure yours works over there. I bought one in Argos for my next trip to America, and it works perfectly. It was roughly £10.

Comfy Shoes 
I wore my converse pretty much all summer. There will be a lot of walking involved. Trainers and comfy shoes are advisable. But remember it will also be hot, so flip flops/sandals are good for days off. 

There may be some times where it is a bit chilly - especially if your camp is more North. You will most likely be able to buy camp hoodies at camp, but its handy to have one too. 

My camp told us we had to have a one piece. As a Camp Power I went swimming once, so that was a waste of money, however if you are swimming with the kids you will need one. Pack a couple bikinis for after camp travel. 

My camp did supply towels to international staff, however I didn't know this until I got there. I took a beach towel for swimming/after camp, and a normal bath towel. When I left camp, I dumped the bath towel to make more room in my case. Most hotels have towels, and in the hostels I just used my beach towel.

You will want plenty of shorts to wear with your camp t-shirts. I was told to take white and blue shorts, but once there I realised everyone just wore demin shorts/sports shorts - so I went and bought some in Wal Mart - they weren't the nicest, so take a nice selection with you.

Jeans & Leggings 
It's a good idea to take these for the colder days. I had a couple of large camp t-shirts that could be worn with leggings. Jeans are a bit inconvenient for packing - but if you have a thinner pair, it is worth taking. 

Remember you have to pay to wash your clothes. Also its mostly hot and you will probably get quite sweaty. Therefore try and pack as much as possible, vest tops, shorts and clothes for after camp.  Also take some nice clothes for banquet night, and any nights out you may go on after camp. I'd recommend a couple of skirts/dresses. 

Not an essential, but very handy for after camp. Most places have wifi so they are good to use for making plans and sorting out flight info. Also, in camp we had the wifi password so I used it to watch Netflix on my breaks. 

When I got to America, I bought a cheap US smart phone. It was such a waste of money and I never used it. I took my iPhone with me and that was plenty. You most likely won't have any signal at camp as it will be in the middle of nowhere. You will probably have to lock your phone away in a locker all day too. When out and about, you can get wifi to use phone functions. It's good for face timing back home. I took most of my photos on my phone too. 

You will not regret taking these when on long journeys 

A book
There will be long bus journeys and evening when you want to relax. A book will keep you entertained and doesn't require wifi. Also you can easily ditch it when you have finished reading - more luggage space. 

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